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LED Street Lights

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Street Lights can be segregated based on the type of bulbs they use. Street light come in different flavors. Below are some of the street lights
  • Incandescent Street Light
  • Fluorescent Street Light
  • Mercury Vapor Street Light 
  • High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Street Light
  • LED Street Lamps
  • Solar Street Lamps using LED Lights
We are going to discuss mainly about the LED Street Lights. We all know that most of the street lights produce more heat and less light resulting in huge energy loss. Led lights works in contrast to other lighting systems. It produces more light and less heat, So the energy spent for lighting is more and you get more lumen's per watt (Refer Global Warming and Led Lights ). At the time of writing this article we where able to get 140 lumens per watt, Which is very high when compared to other sources of lights.

Advantages of LED Street Lamps

Led Street Lamps increases night visibility, It is because of
  • Higher color rendering
  • Higher color temperature
  • Increased luminance uniformity
As explained in my previous article the life span of LED is 1,00,000 hours provided the fixture is designed to dissipate the heat produced at the back of LED properly

LED street light if used with right optics will give enough power using very less electricity when compared to conventional street light lamps (Refer LED FAQ's).LED circuit will approach 80% efficiency, which means 80% of the electrical energy is converted to light energy. The remaining 20% is lost as heat energy. But in incandesant bulp 80% of electrical energy is lost as heat

Reduced maintenance costs: Although the cost of LED's are high but the return on invest can be achieved much quicker when compared to other street lights. With other street lights, the true cost of the bulb is the cost of replacing the bulbs and the labor cost and time needed to replace them. This can be eliminated by using LED street lights.

Mercury is not used in the manufacture of LED lights. Also the cost of producing LED with that of CFL is less there by reducing the carbon foot print even at the manufacturing stage.

The carbon foot print can be reduced more than 50% using energy efficient lights like LED. We at Naba Green Energy make three different street lighting products which are replacements for
  1. Replacement for 40 W
  2. Replacement for 70 W
  3. Replacement for 150 W
To get more information on LED lighting please visit link


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